Top Ten Tips For Car Boot Sale Sellers - 'Booters'
Click on the mini-menu below to view the car boot sale tips
- Arrive Early
- Take Plenty of Change - 'Float'
- Be Prepared to Haggle...
- Use Pricing Labels
- Be Prepared for ALL Weather Conditions
- Take a Display Table
- Presentation is Everything
- Attract Booters with a 'Bargain Box'
- Be Security Conscious
- Sell Yourself !
Arrive Early
Arrive early to give yourself time to set up and get organised.
Note: Most boot sales have early buyers who may mob your car whilst you unload looking for bargains or valuable antiques. The Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse Boot Sale opens it's doors to sellers at 8am.
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Take Plenty of Change - 'Float'
Many buyers will not have the right money, will one buyer paying with a £10 note for a 50p item clean you out of change? Also you may have to haggle, and it's always best to be able to take the right money or you may feel obliged to drop your price further to make the sale.
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Be Prepared to Haggle...
Learn the ancient art of haggling! Punters love to get a reduced price, let them think they're getting an amazing discount by pricing your goods accordingly.
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Use Pricing Labels
If you have a large number of things to sell then price them with sticky labels. It will help you remember the prices, and provide a good starting point to haggle from, you can also put up a sign saying all prices are O.N.O. ( Or Nearest Offer ).
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Be Prepared for ALL Weather Conditions
Always take an umbrella and coat for yourself, no matter what the weather looks like when you leave the house! Think about how you're going to protect your goods, a clear sheet of plastic will protect against the rain and still allow the Punters to see what you're selling.
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Take a Display Table
Always try to display your items on a table, they will be nearer to the Booters eyes and allow them to pick up and examine them more easily. Only display shoes or outdoor items on the floor, and always put a sheet down. If you are selling clothes try to hang them up if possible, it's easier to leaf through hangers than to rummage through piles.
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Presentation is Everything
Once you have your table, floor sheet, & clothes hangers, try to display your goods in a way that shows them off as well as possible, and people can inspect easily. Presentation really is everything.
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Attract Booters with a 'Bargain Box'
A 'Bargain Box' will attract in customers looking for a bargain, once you've got them interested, sell them something more expensive. Also if you've got a load of rubbish that isn't worth anything you can give it away from your 'Bargain Box'.
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Be Security Conscious
At ALL times be Security Conscious. Put your cash safe ( Best in a money bag around your waist ). Don't have valuables lying on a table, or on your car seat or boot. If you have expensive items for sale, always keep them near and clearly visible to you.
Be aware one unscrupulous person could spoil your day.
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Sell Yourself!
Last but not least, Smile and be pleasant to your passing customers, it makes all the difference.
[back to top]Have a Good Day Selling